family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

  • How To Know If Your Power Steering Is Going Bad

    It is important to make sure that you are well aware of the signs that may indicate that the power steering in your vehicle is going bad. This way, you will be able to call and set up an appointment with an auto repair shop as soon as possible. Here are a few of the signs that you will want to keep an eye out for: Squealing Sounds Upon Starting The Vehicle 

  • Understanding The Commercial Driver's License Medical Examiner's Certificate

    Obtaining your commercial driver's license can be a lengthy process, and one of the steps along the road is obtaining a medical examiner's certificate. This is a non-negotiable requirement, and you will not be granted a commercial driver's license without a valid certificate. Since CDL requirements are federally mandated, a medical examiner's certificate will be required no matter which state you will be receiving your CDL in. Additionally, you will need to complete a physical and receive a new certificate at least once every two years.

  • How To Know If Your Vehicle Needs A Transmission Repair

    It is very important for you to make sure that you are on top of any issues that come up with your vehicle, especially when it comes to major parts such as the transmission. Since it can be a very expensive part to completely replace, you will want to make sure that you are staying on the lookout for signs that it is in need of some repairs. This way, you might be able to get it fixed before the issue gets so bad that the entire transmission needs to be replaced.

  • 4 Troubleshooting Tips To Get Your Car Started In Cold Weather

    During the cold winter months, there are many problems that you may have with your car starting. This can be frustrating first thing in the morning when you need to get to work come up which is why you want to know how to troubleshoot the most common problems and get your car started in the coldest winter weather. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you get your card started in cold weather.

  • What Are The Important Elements Of A 30,000 Mile Maintenance Appointment?

    When you pick up your new car, you can count on everything to run smoothly for quite a few miles. If you want the car to keep running that smoothly throughout its whole lifespan, then you need to keep up with maintenance—and that starts with your 30,000 mile maintenance appointment. Just what does this maintenance appointment involve? Here's a look at the most important elements. 1. An Oil Change Hopefully you have changed the oil a few times before this appointment, but to ensure the car emerges from this appointment running as well as possible, your mechanic will change the oil.

  • About Me

    family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

    As the son and grandson of mechanics, I spent much of my child hood under the hood of many cars. I have listened and learned about so many different problems and how to repair them effectively. I created this blog to cover as many car problems as possible without overwhelming readers. You will find tips for troubleshooting, advice for when to take it to a professional and suggestions for when to stop driving the car or truck immediately to prevent further and more costly damage. We hope that you find all of this information helpful and useful, allowing you to have a great running car.