family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

  • How You Can Get Rid Of Your Old, Junk Car For Free

    A junk car can be an eyesore and take up valuable space on your property. Instead of paying to have it towed away or paying to store it, you can actually have it removed for free by a junk car removal service. This type of service is available in many cities and can help you get rid of your junk car without incurring any cost. Here is how to go about locating this service and how you can benefit from it rather than keeping your old, junk car on your property, rusting away.

  • How To Change A Flat Tire Safely

    Although auto repair shops are the go-to places for fixing up cars, not every car issue warrants a visit to an auto repair shop. Knowing how to do simple car repairs will help keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently and allow you to save money on auto repair costs. Changing a flat tire is one of those car repair jobs you can tackle, but it does involve jacking up your car, so careful forethought is necessary to do it safely.

  • Factors That Determine How Well An Engine Performs

    Your engine is the most expensive part of your car. You will want to get as much performance out of your car as possible for as long as possible regardless of whether you will be engaging in drag-racing or will simply be going for long trips and need a reliable car. It's important to understand the fundamentals of what makes a vehicle perform very well. The Benefits of a High-Performance Engine

  • Useful Investment Tips For New Truck Tries

    If you own a truck, eventually you'll want new tires for it. Then you'll have ample traction to enjoy for the foreseeable future. As long as you approach this tire purchase in the following ways, you'll have no issues or regrets to deal with later on.  Think About How Much You're Planning to Pay Like with any other truck part, you want to figure out how much you want to spend on new truck tires.

  • Auto Repair: 3 Reasons To Seek Wheel Alignment Services

    Have you thought about your car wheels since the last time you got new tires? Most people are aware that their vehicles need a wheel alignment after some time. However, they do not seek this service since they do not understand its importance. So, if you have not sought this service in a while, here are reasons to visit an auto repair shop for wheel alignment.   1. Enjoy a Smooth Driving 

  • About Me

    family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

    As the son and grandson of mechanics, I spent much of my child hood under the hood of many cars. I have listened and learned about so many different problems and how to repair them effectively. I created this blog to cover as many car problems as possible without overwhelming readers. You will find tips for troubleshooting, advice for when to take it to a professional and suggestions for when to stop driving the car or truck immediately to prevent further and more costly damage. We hope that you find all of this information helpful and useful, allowing you to have a great running car.