family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

  • What's Wrong With Your Vehicle When It Is Vibrating?

    It can be quite concerning when your vehicle starts to shake or vibrate unexpectedly. It can happen at high speeds when driving or when it is parked, and those vibrations are an indication of an underlying issue that needs to be repaired. Here are a few issues that may cause a vehicle to vibrate. Tire Problems A common reason for vibrations is an issue with your tires. A problem as simple as uneven tire wear can cause your entire vehicle to vibrate when traveling at high speeds.

  • A Safety-Conscious Auto Technician Could Stand Out

    Persons interested in a new career might look at ways to earn a living doing things they like. Anyone who appreciates cars could look at opportunities with auto technician jobs. Upon completing the necessary training, the new technician can explore open jobs. The career could be more rewarding than many people realize because a skilled technician may point out safety issues with a vehicle. The average driver might not pick up on problems because of a lack of awareness, but a talented technician could notice things when performing a routine inspection.

  • Diesel Turbocharger Engine — Keys To Properly Maintaining This Automotive Part

    If your truck relies on a diesel turbocharger engine, then it may be capable of some impressive power. To help maintain it year after year, here are some care protocols to keep track of.  Talk to Oil Experts Before Making a Selection Your diesel turbocharger engine may be capable of producing a lot of power, but in order for it to hold up long-term, it needs quality oil for proper lubrication.

  • What Causes Frozen RV Pipes And What Should You Do?

    Plumbing issues are a simple fact of life for RV owners. Since RVs combine many of the best (and worst!) aspects of vehicles and homes, that means dealing with maintenance and repair issues that are equally common on cars and houses. Unfortunately, plumbing can often be a source of severe problems for recreational vehicles, just as it can cause headaches for homeowners.  Unfortunately, the potential damage from plumbing issues is often far greater with RVs.

  • Transmission Going Out? 3 Signs Of This Issue

    A transmission is responsible for your vehicle's ability to move. The transmission is an integral part of your vehicle. Without it, you aren't going to get too far. The transmission can wear out after a while, and it can cause issues for your vehicle, even while you're driving, which can be very dangerous. If you are experiencing transmission issues, you may not know what signs may indicate this is the issue.

  • About Me

    family auto mechanics - helping you find the problem

    As the son and grandson of mechanics, I spent much of my child hood under the hood of many cars. I have listened and learned about so many different problems and how to repair them effectively. I created this blog to cover as many car problems as possible without overwhelming readers. You will find tips for troubleshooting, advice for when to take it to a professional and suggestions for when to stop driving the car or truck immediately to prevent further and more costly damage. We hope that you find all of this information helpful and useful, allowing you to have a great running car.